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Why the Brown Sugar Box is a Must Have

As the natural hair movement continues to elevate and draw more people's attention, members of the community are finding different ways...

Changing the Language Surrounding Natural Hair

Throughout history, natural hair has taken on various names to describe its different textures. From nappy to kinky and rough to...

Young Natural Hair Gurus Making a Change

Everyday young men and women with natural hair are becoming a part of the natural hair community as self-taught gurus. The popularity of...

Natural Hair Stylists to Look Out For

In the Hair industry their a number of natural hair stylist who are dominating the natural hair care game. From Los Angeles, California...

Identifying and Understanding Your Hair Texture

The world is filled with so many different men and with women with all different textures of natural hair. Often times people find...

Fighting Hair Bias One Wig at A Time

Working in a professional, setting with natural hair can serve as quite the challenge for women who choose to wear creative and vibrantly...

Beauty Standards in Argentina

Check out my interview with Argentina native Valentina Dallasta The conversation of beauty standards from an international view point is...

Behind the Curls: Latina's with Natural Hair

Within the Hispanic community there is so much controversy within the topic of Latina women wearing the natural hair. Similar to the...

Building Confidence in Children with Natural Hair

The natural hair community not only helps to educate and support adults with naturally curly hair, it is also here to inspire and support...

What is the fate of Relaxer Sales?

Within the past couple of years, it is clear to see the natural hair movement is growing in so many ways. Not only are men and women...

NDMU Celebrates Student Leaders

Lead on Student Leadership Recognition and Desert Reception Video Notre Dame of Maryland University is a catholic institution that serves...

Beautycon and Natural Hair Care

Beautycon is a worldwide beauty festival that brings consumers, brands, and creators from all over together to explore different makeup...

Natural Hair Bias in the Working World

Natural Hair styles in the work place has been a controversial topic that has affected many men and women in the working world. Whether...

Protecting Your Hair from Heat Damage

Heat damaged natural hair is constant challenge that many people experience in the natural hair community. Heat damage can be caused by...

The Dangers of Formaldehyde

In 2017 , the FDA released a letter informing consumers and salon professionals of the dangers formaldehyde poses in hair smoothing...


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