Within the past couple of years, it is clear to see the natural hair movement is growing in so many ways. Not only are men and women embracing their natural curl pattern and showing it off on many platforms, hair companies are expanding to provide the best for their clientele. With this growth in the natural hair community, there is an increase in natural hair products being sold. Stores are making sure that they are providing varietyin their natural hair sections. Store’s like Sally’s, Target, and Walmart are growing their hair care sections every day to properly cater to people with natural hair. Now, customers can see a huge difference between what hair care selections looked like when perming hair was in its prime versus when the natural hair movement took over. Brands are even adding more to the collections designated to men and children. The increase in the amount of natural hair care products being bought is continuing to growth the worth of black hair businesses.
In 2015 the Mintel , market research company estimated black hair businesses being worth $774 million, according to Atlanta Black Star. They also predicted that there would be a possible 45 percent decrease in relaxer demands. Not only is the proof of relaxer sales decreasing being seen in the numbers it being broadcasted by the natural hair community. Many members of the natural hair community are posting content about their hair journeys and how healthy their hair is after letting go of relaxers.
The way stores are marketing natural hair products versus relaxers has definitely changed. Natural hair products are placed at the middle to top shelves for people to see and often times displayed by themselves based on the brand and the buzz surrounding the new products. Relaxers are find in the lower shelving between products that can over shadow them. Hair guru’s and many natural hair company’s supporters are expecting the interest in the natural hair community it continues to grow and possibly outshine relaxers completely