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Hey! My name is Ke' and I am in my 5th year of having fully natural hair. My interest in natural started in 2013 when I was still using perms to process my hair. After being inspired by some other curly girls I decided to fully transition into rocking my hair in its natural state. Since then I have colored, straightened, and experimented with protective styles in my hair. I have experienced a number of different challenges , but it all resulted in me growing my hair out to its healthiest state. I have not fully met my hair goal yet, but I'm excited to bring you board of y crazy hair journey. This website will give you all of my tips and tricks to starting your journey to having thick and healthy natural hair. I'll share my stories and mistakes during my transitioning time and answer any and all questions from you all. Now let's get started!




Ke's Kurls Media Kit Below 


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